
Test IQ.....ngomonge angel banget

TEST IQ (Paling cepet IQne paling dhuwur)

XLS File

Sakderengipun panjenegan kedah download rumiyin. Cara lan aturan wonten saklebetipun file.

1. Sing saged numpak gethek namung tiyang kalih thok.
2. Bapak mboten angsal kalih lare estri menawi mboten wonten Ibu.
3. Semanten ugi Ibu mboten angsal kempal kalih lare jaler menawi mboten wonten bapak.
4. Lare estri ingkang rambute abrit, nakale mboten jamak, mboten pikantuk kempal kaleh sederek sak keluargi sinten kemawon, nek Pak Polisi angsal....pun lulut nek kalih piyambake.
5. Sing saged nglampahaken gethek namung Pak Polisi, Bapak ugi Ibu.

Mangga dicobi, pripun carane supados sedanten saged disebrangaken dateng sebrang kali.

Nek saged ....wah panjenengan jan pinter tenan.
Nek mboten saged? Wah mosok mboten saged? Kebangeten tenan.
Wonten Jepang asal quis menika criosipun saged 15 menit rampung.
Menawi panjenengan taken kula, wah kula saged paling cepet nggih 5 menit.
Malah sak menika kula saged 10 detik.
Percaya sukur mboten percaya... siap-siap IQne ndhodhok mawon nggih.
Free Translation:
The RULES are as follows:
1, Only two people can travel at once
2, Daddy can not stay with the girls without the presence of the mother
3, Mum cant stay with the boys without the presence of the father
4, The arrested red-hair girl in stipy outfit cannot stay with any of the family members
5, Only the Police officer and the parents can drive the boat across the river

This test was developed and used in Japan for job and university IQ tests
This test is solved in around 15mins (in Japan)

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